We deliver cutting edge training
Detect Deception & take your interviewing skills to awesome
Why is it so important to know when someone is lying to us. Deception in business costs Highlights:
Social Media: The risks you can't afford to ignore
Everybody is online. Human manipulation is the greatest risk for any corporation. Your employees are on Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin every day. Every day, personal and professional information makes its way online
The New Corporate Espionage: Social Engineering
The greatest security threat any organization faces today is the human threat. Discover how vulnerable your organization can be to social engineering.
Ethics: Assessing Ethics in the twilight zone
Ethical issues are associated with workplace deviance or corruption and its counterparts – lying, evasion of accountability, and abuse of authority. What causes them and how should they be dealt with?
Specialized Knowledge
Cutting edge topics to keep you and your staff protected
Writing Seminars